About Us

About Us



We are a group of Christians in the north Shelby County area working together to:

   1. Love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls, and minds and our neighbors as ourselves

   2. Help each other get to heaven through edification, encouragement, and admonishment

   3. Spread the gospel of our King Jesus to the lost in Shelby County and beyond



When someone first visits with us, the first thing that is noticed is our acapella-style song worship without instrumental music. While that makes us different from many denominations, it is only a small part of our identity. We strive to live and worship as we are authorized by God in his Holy Word. There are strong warnings in scripture of going beyond what is written. Unless God tells us, shows us, or is an unavoidable conclusion to what the Bible teaches, we do not do it.

There are many places in this world to find entertainment with light shows, smoke machines, jokes, and music. We believe the church should be about teaching the Word of God and leave the entertaining to Netflix and concert halls. If you are interested in learning the Bible, you will find a home here.



There are many wonderful organizations with excellent goals like diabetes research, providing coats to the homeless, job placement for released felons, etc, but the role of the church as a group is to spread the gospel and encourage the saints. As individuals, many of our members contribute to various charitable causes. We see the role of the church as important enough without distractions with fixing this-world problems. While it is every individual's responsibility to be generous to the poor and do good to all people, the local church as an organization should focus on the tasks God has given it.



Hunter Davis joined the work here in June 2022. He and his family have been living in the Shelby County area for several years now. He has a passion for one-on-one Bible studies with anyone who is interested. Please contact us to set up a home Bible study. If you have any questions about anything taught, please ask us. We desire to give book, chapter, and verse authority for everything we do and teach.